François Couperin - Quatre Portraits / 4 Portraits

François Couperin
Quatre Portraits / 4 Portraits
L'Anthologie sonore 109 (matrix AS 213, AS 214) [78rpm, Europe]
The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie sonore" AS 109 [78rpm, USA]


    François Couperin
  1. Les vieux seigneurs
  2. Les jeunes seigneurs

  3. ----
  4. La visionnaire
  5. La convalescente

Playing time: ??' ??"

Pauline Aubert (harpsichord)

Recording site and date:
Paris, France [ca 1939];
Rel.: ca 1940

The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie sonore" (101-110) [78rpm x 10] A synthesis of the musical arts: 14th to 18th centuries, vol. XI.
L'Anthologie sonore 2509 LD Clavecinistes français: Charbonnier - Aubert - Gerlin.

[1]-[3] Adès "L'Anthologie Sonore" MS 30 AS 546 [LP, mono] Clavecinistes italiens et français des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

Information from Bn-Opale plus (partly erroneously attributed to 108), and "The Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music", 1948 ed.

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Pierre-F. Roberge