François Couperin (1668-1733)
- François Couperin (1668-1733)
- Le parnasse, ou, L'apothéose de Corelli - Les goûts
Orchestre de chambre de la Société des concerts de
Versailles - Gustave Cloëz, dir.; Crunelle, Clerget, Aubert
L'Anthologie sonore 115 / 116 (matrix AS 242, AS 243, AS 244,
AS 241) [78rpm x2, Europe]
The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie sonore" AS 115 /
116 [78rpm x2, USA]
Disc 115 / 116 (side 1)
François Couperin: Le parnasse, ou, L'apothéose
de Corelli
- Gravement
- Gayement
- Modérément
- Vivement
- Très doux
- Vivement
- Gayement
Disc 116 (side 2)
François Couperin: Les goûts
- Le charme
- La noble fierté
- L'enjouement
Playing time: ??' ??"
[1]-[7] Orchestre de chambre de la Société des concerts
de Versailles - Gustave Cloëz, dir.
[8]-[10] Gaston Crunelle (flute), V. Clerget (viola da gamba),
Pauline Aubert (harpsichord)
Recording site and date:
Paris, France [ca 1942];
Rel.: ca 1941
The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie
sonore" (111-120) [78rpm x 10] A synthesis of the musical
arts: 14th to 18th centuries, vol. XII.
Information from Bn-Opale plus, and "The Gramophone Shop
Encyclopedia of Recorded Music", 1948 ed.
To FAQ references to this recording.
To FAQ CD index page.
Pierre-F. Roberge