Concert italien

Concert italien
J.-C. Bach - P. Locatelli - J. B. Pergolesi, A. Vivaldi
L'Orchestre de Chambre d'Augsbourg - W. E. Deyle, dir.
Anthologie sonore 3007 LD [LP, mono]
Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" AS-39 [LP, mono]
Adès 1 3001 [LP, mono]


    Johann Christian Bach
  1. Symphony, op. 6, no. 6 (andante)

  2. Pietro Locatelli
  3. Concerto grosso, op. 1, no. 9

  4. J. B. Pergolesi (now attr. to C. Ricciotti)
  5. Concertino no. 2

  6. Antonio Vivaldi
  7. Concerto grosso, op. 3, no. 11

Playing time: ??' ??"

L'Orchestre de Chambre d'Augsbourg, Walter Eigen Deyle, dir.

Recording site and date:
Unknown [ca 1954];
Rel.: ca 1955

Information from Bn-Opale plus and "The World's Encyclopedia of Record Music, 3rd supplement, 1957 ed.".

To FAQ references to this recording.

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Pierre-F. Roberge