Minnesänger, Troubadours, Trouvères

Minnesänger, Troubadours, Trouvères
Ensemble Perceval, Katia Caré and Guy Robert, directors
Arte Nova Classics 74321 58968 2


    Cerveri de Girona, 13th century
  1. Aisso es viadera

  2. Bernart de Ventadorn, 12th century
  3. Quan l'erba fres' e.l fuelha par

  4. Jaufre Rudel, 12th century
  5. Lanquan li jorn son lonc en mai

  6. Raimbaut de Vaqueiras, end of the 12th century
  7. Era'm requier sa costum' e son us

  8. Rei D. Sancho, end of the 12th century
  9. Ay eu coitado como viv' en gran cuydado

  10. Martin Codax, 13th century
  11. Mia yrmana fremosa

  12. Neidhart von Reuental, 13th century
  13. Mirst von herzen leide

  14. Richard I, "Lionheart", end of the 12th century
  15. Ja nuls om pres non dira sa razon

  16. Alfonso X el Sabio, 13th century
  17. Maravillosos (Cantiga de Santa Maria 139)

  18. Perrot de Belmarchais, beginning of the 13th century
  19. Douce Dame, ce soit sans nul nomer

  20. Charles d'Anjou, middle of the 13th century
  21. La plus noble emprise qui soit

  22. Neidhart von Reuental
  23. Wol dir liebe summerzeit

  24. Anonymous, 13th century
  25. Volez vous que je vous chant

  26. Blanche de Castille, 13th century
  27. Amour ou trop tard me sui pris

  28. Pseudo-Neidhart, 13th century
  29. Meienzeit

  30. Neidhart von Reuental
  31. Winter wie ist nu dein kraft

  32. Walther von der Vogelweide, beginning of the 13th century
  33. Nu alrest lebe ich mir werde

  34. Neidhart von Reuental
  35. Sinc eyn gulden boen

Playing time: 73' 09"

Performers: Katia Caré and Guy Robert, directors; Katia Caré (voice, gemshorn); Jean-Paul Rigaud (voice, bowed citole); Alain Barré (Medieval flutes); Domitille Kriegel (medieval fiddle); Guy Robert (medieval lutes and harps, guitars); Vincent Richard (percussion, psalterion); Christophe Tellart (bagpipe, medieval pipes and hurdy gurdy)

Recording site and date: Abbey of Seuilly (Touraine), April 3-5, 1998

[1], [3], [6], [8], [12], [15], [18] RCA "Red Seals" 82876 60986 2 [CDx4] Trésors - Moyen-Âge

Comments: This recording was released in conjunction with a German early music festival, the Landshuter Hofmusiktagen, the Landshut Court Music Days, held annually in the city of Landshut. Accordingly, Ensemble Perceval has included music from a remarkably wide variety of western European courts from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

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William MacLehose