Byrd: My Ladye Nevells Booke

Byrd: My Ladye Nevells Booke
Pieter-Jan Belder
Brilliant Classics 96887 [CDx3]


  1. My Ladye Nevels Grownde (MB57)
  2. Qui Passe for my Ladye Nevell (MB19)
  3. The Marche before the Battell (MB93)
  4. The Battell (MB94)
    1. The souldiers sommons
    2. The marche of the foote men
    3. The marche of the horsmen
    4. The trumpetts
    5. The Irishe marche
    6. The bagpipe and the drone
    7. The flute and the droome
    8. The marche to the fight
    9. The retreat
  5. The Galliarde for the Victorie (MB95)
  6. The Barelye Breake (MB92)
  7. A Galliards Gygge (MB18)
  8. The Huntes Upp (MB41)
  9. Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La (MB64)
  10. The firste Pavian (MB29)
  11. The Galliarde to the same
  12. The II Pavian (MB71)
  13. The Galliarde (to the same)
  14. The III Pavian (MB14)
  15. The Galliarde to the same
  1. The IIII Pavian (MB30)
  2. The Galliarde
  3. The V Pavian (MB31)
  4. The Galliarde
  5. Pavana the VI: Kinbrugh Goodd (MB32)
  6. The Galliard
  7. The Seventh Pavian (MB74)
  8. The Eighte Pavian (MB17)
  9. The Passinge Mesures Pavan (MB2)
  10. The Galliarde
  11. A Voluntarie for my Ladye Nevell (MB61)
  12. Will yow walke the woodes soe Wylde (MB85)
  13. The Maidens Song (MB82)
  14. A Lesson of Voluntarie (MB26)
  15. The Seconde Grownde (MB42)
  1. Have with Yow to Walsingame (MB8)
  2. All in a Garden Grine (MB56)
  3. Lord Willobies Welcome Home (MB7)
  4. The Carmans Whistle (MB36)
  5. Hughe Ashstons Ground (MB20)
  6. A Fancie (MB25)
  7. Sellingers Rownde (MB84)
  8. Munsers Almaine (MB88)
  9. The Tenthe Pavian Mr W Peter (MB3)
  10. The Galliard
  11. A Fancie (MB46)
  12. A Voluntarie (MB27)

Instruments: Derek Adlam, muselar after the 1611 Ruckers (1970);
Herwil van Gelder, Venetian harpsichord after Pisaurensis (1997);
Adlam Burnett, double manual harpsichord after 1642 Ruckers (1980);
Gerhard Boogaard, single manual harpsichord after Ruckers (2012);
(original) Johannes(?) Ruckers, spinet virginal (1604)

Playing time: 201'

Recording dates: May 2012, November 2017, March 2018, September 2021 (Netherlands); released: 2023

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Todd M. McComb