Playing time: CD1: 76' 26" - CD2: 47' 49"
Capella Antiqua Bambergensis - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spindler,
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spindler, Andreas Spindler, Anke Spindler, Thomas
Spindler, Stephan Hänisch, Susanne Globisch, Thomas Zapf
Speakers: Christian Brückner, Jan Burdinski, Wolfgang Grindemann,
Harry Kühn, Birge Tetzner, Ulrike Hübschmann, Julia
Recording site and date:
Schloss Wernsdorf von Rupert Schellenberger [2006];
Rel.: 2006
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Goldberg (#-p.):
Information from performer website & Jorge Salazar, who says:
This is a curious combination: CD1 is a "radio play" [Hörspiel]
(spoken in German, sounding a bit like a scholarly discussion about
the codex and the composers that appear in it, with some musical
accompaniment in the background); CD2 contains musical selections,
as well as a multimedia presentation of the codex, the minnesingers,
and the instruments heard.
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Pierre-F. Roberge