Le Bouvier

Le Bouvier
Les Ménestriers, album No 7
Les Ménestriers
Disques du Cavalier (RCA) PL 37058 [LP]


  1. Le Bouvier (transverse flute, recorder, rebec, chalumeau, saz)
  2. J'ai vu le loup, le Renard, le lievre (transverse flute, recorder, chalumeau, rebec, saz, cuillers)
  3. Pierre de Grenoble (3 crumhorns, tambourin)

  4. Anon., 14th c.
  5. Les trois fontaines (saz, oud)

  6. ---------
  7. Il etait une cendrillon (lute, oud chalumean, transverse flute, crumhorn, rebec, recorders, tambourin)

  8. Guillaume Machaut
  9. Douce dame jolie

  10. Anon., 14th c.
  11. La Manfredina (vielle, recorder, oud, derbouka)

Playing time: 37:00

Performer: Les Menestriers - Marcello Ardizzone; (rebec, vielle, oud, crumhorn); Barry Hayward (recorder, chalumean, crumhorn); Chris Hayward (transverse flute, recorder, crumhorn, derbouka, tambourin, cuillers); Bernard Pierrot (saz, oud, lute, chant)

Arrangements: Bernard Pierrot

Recording site and date: Studio Résonnance [1977 or prior]

Comments: Information from owned LP.

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Jon Stringer