Hildegard von Bingen - Feminea Forma Maria

Hildegard von Bingen - Feminea Forma Maria - Marian Songs of the Dendermonde Codex
Ensemble Mediatrix – J. B. Göschl, dir.
Calig 50 982 [CD]
Profil PH 10011 [CD]


    Hildegard von Bingen, Dendermonde Codex (Villarenser Kodex):
  1. Responsorium: Ave Maria
  2. Responsorium: O clarissima Mater
  3. Antiphon: O splendissima gemma
  4. Antiphon: Hodie aperuit
  5. Antiphon: Quia ergo femina
  6. Antiphon: Cum processit
  7. Antiphon: Cum erubuerint
  8. Antiphon: O frondens virga
  9. Antiphon: O quam magnum
  10. Hymnus: Ave generosa
  11. Sequence: O virga ac diadema
  12. Responsorium: O tu suavissima virga

Ensemble Mediatrix
Susanne Durner, Michaela Hastetter, Gabriele Puffer, Iris Fürst, Petra Scheuring, Simone Unglert, Susanne Schlögl, Mechtild Angerer, Tanja Schubert, Susanne Nitsch; Solo: Beatrice-Maria Weinberger
Johannes Berchmans Göschl, dir.

Playing time: 55' 49"

Recording site and date:
Pfarr- und Wallfahrts-Kirche "Himmelfahrt Mariens", Tading [06/1996];
Rel.: 1996 (Calig), 2010 (Profil)

Other releases: It appears to be the first recording of this ensemble. For further references on Hildegard's recording, refer to the FAQ.

Reviewed in:
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.): 21/1-200 (sep./oct. 1997); 34/2-380 (November/December 2010)

Another release of the Abbess; a cappella voices are attractive; a good performance.

To purchasing information for this disc.

To FAQ references to this recording.

To FAQ CD index page.

Pierre-F. Roberge