The Little Barley-Corne

The Little Barley-Corne
Winter Revels from the Renaissance
The Toronto Consort - David Fallis
Dorian 93186


  1. The Little Barley-Corne
  2. All you that are good fellowes
  3. Greensleeves and pudding pies / Bouzer Castle
  4. Praetorius: Les Gavottes
  5. Branle de l'Official / Le bel Ange du Ciel
  6. Une jeune pucelle
  7. Ave maris stella / Noël nouvelet
  8. Apostrophe au petit Iesu couché dans la creche
  9. Now when Joseph and Mary
  10. Scotch Cap / A Scotch Firk / Scots Rant
  11. Guilielmus Messaus: O salich heylich Bethlehem
  12. Eyck: O Heilig Zalig
  13. Lady Catherine's Ogle / The Scotchman's Dance
  14. Drive the cold winter away / Come follow follow me
  15. Jésus naît, tendre et blême
  16. Vray Dieu il n'est si doulce chose
  17. L'Annonciation de l'Ange Gabriel à la Vierge Marie
  18. Basse Danse "L'Annonciation"
  19. Chestnut / Kettle drum / The Symphony
  20. Now Candlemas is come at last

Performers: David Fallis (tenor, harpsichord), Paul Jenkins (tenor, harpsichord), Terry McKenna (guitar, lute), Alison Melville (recorder), John Pepper (bass), Laura Pudwel (mezzo-soprano), David Greenberg (violin), Ben Grossman (percussion, hurdy-gurdy), Katherine Hill (soprano, viol)

Playing time: 74'

Recording date: January 1999 (Toronto)

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Todd M. McComb