Playing time: CD 43' 43"
Performers: Accademia Viscontea i Musicanti [Patrick Novarah (shawm, bagpipe), Vincenzo Onida (bombard), Lucio Testi (bombard), Miquèu Montanaro (pipe and tabor), Danilo Constantini (organ, harpsichord), Luisa Cis (harp), Roberto Gallina (medieval and renaissance lute), Francesco Tapella (renaissance lute), Maurizio Mingardi (Vielle, gittern, viola da gamba), Paolo Biordi (viola da gamba), Sabina Colonna Preti (viola da gamba)] & Ensemble Modulata Carmina [Nadia ragni (soprano), Luigi Santos (tenor), Fulvio Bettini (bass)] - Maurizio Mingardi, dir.
Recording site and date: Abbazia di Morimundo, Milano [11/1988]
Other releases (identical, first and re-releases):
33 r.p.m.: none
Cassette: none
CD: This is the original CD.
Reviewed in:
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Diapason (#-p.): 393-174 (may 1993)
Fanfare ( #-p):
Comments: Information from owned CD. Good interpretation, nothing more.
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Pierre-F. Roberge