L'Europe Médiévale

L'Europe Médiévale
Elena Polonska et al.
Elyon 35024


  1. L'autrier just'una sebissa

  2. Guiraut Riquier
  3. Fis e verays (instr.)

  4. Guiraut de Bornelh
  5. Rei glorios

  6. Thibaut IV de Champagne
  7. Chanson (instr.)

  8. Richard de Semilli
  9. Aubade (instr.)

  10. Adam de la Halle
  11. Rondeau

  12. Guillaume de Machaut
  13. Douce dame jolie (instr.)
  14. Quant j'ay liespart (instr.)

Playing time: ??' ??"

Elena Polonska (harps, percussions), Nicole Maison (voice, percussions), Isabelle Quellier (viola, crumhorn, recorders, percussions), Jean Mac Lean (recorders, crumhorn, cor de chamois, shawm)

Recording site and date:
Unknown [1985 or prior]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

Information from "Music in poetry in the Midde Ages - A guide to reseach on French and Occitan Song, 1100-1400, Margaet L. Switten, Garland Publishing, 1995, p. 325".

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Pierre-F. Roberge