A Tapestry of Music for the Black Prince and His Knights

A Tapestry of Music for the Black Prince and His Knights
St. George's Canzona - John Sothcott, dir.
Enigma K 53 571 [LP]
Enigma K 45 53 571 [Cassette]
Hispavox S90 157 [LP]
Musical Heritage Society MHS 4485 [LP]
Crown ASV 70 [CD]


    The promise of youth

    Anon., England, 14th c.:
  1. Rota: Sumer is icumen (1:45)
  2. Bryd one brere (3:10)

  3. Anon., England , 13th c.:
  4. Gymel: Salve virgo virginum (2:02)
  5. Crecy and the French compaigns

    Anon., France, 13th c.:
  6. La sexte estampie real (2:20)

  7. Guillaume de Machaut:
  8. Lai: J'aim la flour (5:00)
  9. Virelai: Se je souspir (2:13)
  10. The Black Death and Boccaccio's Decameron

    Anon., Italy, 14th c.:
  11. Istampita: Ghaeta (4:36)

  12. Anon., France, 13th c.:
  13. Danse Royale (I) (2:02)

  14. Francesco Landini:
  15. Ballata: Questa fanciula (3:18)

  16. Anon., France, 13th c.:
  17. Danse Royale (II) (1:46)

  18. Jacopo da Bologna:
  19. Madrigal: Di novo e giunt' un cavaler (2:25)

  20. Francesco Landini:
  21. Ballata: Gram piant' agli occhi (3:48)

  22. Anon., France, 13th c.:
  23. Danse Royale (III) (1:59)

  24. Anon., England, 13th c.:
  25. Angelus ad Virginem: Gabriel, fram evene King sent (4:11)

  26. Anon.France, 13th c.:
  27. La seconde estampie Real (2:55)
  28. The last pilgrimage

    Anon., England, 15th c.:
  29. St. Carol: Thomas honour we (3:37)

  30. Anon., Llibre Vermell de Montserrat:
  31. Ballo rodo: Polorum regina (3:02)

Playing time: 51' 04"

St. George's Canzona
John Sothcott, dir.

Recording site and date:
Unknown [1978]

[1]-[2], [4], [6]-[9], [12]-[14], [16]-[17] ASV "Quicksilva" CD QS 6131 A medieval Banquet

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

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Pierre-F. Roberge