Playing time: 59' 09"
The Boston Camerata [Anne Azéma (soprano), Noel Bisson
(soprano), Ellen Santaniello (soprano), Margaret Swanson (soprano),
Elizabeth Anker (alto), Megan Henderson (alto), Mary Ann Valaitis
(alto), John Delorey (tenor), Bruce Fithian (tenor), John Fleagle
(tenor), Paul Cummings (bass), Stephen Falbel (bass), Joel Frederiksen
(bass), Donald Wilkinson (bass), Frances Fitch (keyboards), Robert
Mealy (violin), Carol Lewis (bass viola da gamba), Lynn Tetenbaum
(bass viola da gamba), Emily Walhout (bass viola da gamba), Janet
Haas (violone), Benjamin Harms (percussion), Heather Kellgreen
(harp), Melia Repko (harp), Judy Saite (harp), Monica Attell
(piccolo), Hiroko Kajimoto (piccolo), Kenji Kikuchi (piccolo),
Cynthia Pickett (piccolo)] with participation of Christophe Morin
(Angel of death)] - Joel Cohen, dir.;
The Boston Shawm and Sackbut Ensemble [Douglas Kirk (slide trumpet,
cornetto), Steven Lundahl (sackbut, recorder), Mark Ramsey (sackbut,
recorder), Daniel Stillman (sackbut, recorder)];
The Harvard University Choir [(Emily Anderson (soprano), Kate Lingle
(soprano), Lesley Chen (alto), Clarissa Martinez (alto), Daniel
Roihl (alto), David Ables (tenor), Peter Kalmus (tenor), Wesley
Chinn (bass), Gregory Han (bass), Carsten Reichel (bass)] - Murray
Forbes Somerville, dir.;
Youth Pro Musica [Martin Johnson (soloist), Ned Cameron (soloist),
Barret Goldsmith (soloist)] - Hazel Somerville, art. dir.
Recording site and date:
Campion Center, Weston, Mass., USA [02/1996]
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Early Music America (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Goldberg (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Information from owned CD.
As stated by Joel Cohen in the booklet with the CD: "This
recording is meant to provide a rapid, guided tour of the angel
realms, in the form of musical fantasy. Except for The Angel of
Death, whose music is entirely original, all other musical themes
and texts are drawn from early sources ... Ted Machobver's brilliant
and creative sound is meant to underline both the contemporaneity
and the timelessness of these angelic visions."
To purchasing information for this disc.
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Pierre-F. Roberge