Himmel, Earth, Heaven, Erde: 1200-1600
- Himmel, Earth, Heaven, Erde: 1200-1600
- Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.
Erdenklang 40 692 [CDx2]
CD-1: Instrumental music
Anon., 13th c., Ms. Chansonnier du Roy (Paris).
Bibliothèque nationale de France. Excerpt
- La quatre [i. e. Quarte] estampie real
- Danse
- Danse real
- La Quinte estampie real
Anon.14th c., Ms (London). British Library. Add. 29987,
- Saltarello
- Trotto
Anon., Pierre Attaignant, ed.
- Tanzsuite: bransle, galliarde
- bassa danza: La scarpa my faict mal
Anon., Pierre Attaignant, ed.
- Tourdion
Anon., Pierre Phalèse, ed.: Suite aus der ersten
Tanzsammlung 1571 / Suite from the Louvain Collection of
- 1. Almande
2. Almande
3. Almande
4. Allemande courrante
5. Premier Bransle Commune
6. Premier Bransles Gay
Erasmus Widmann: Musicalischer Tugendtspiegel
- a1. Pavane: Margaretha
a2. Pavane: Johann
a3. Pavane: Christina
a4. Pavane: Dorothea
a5. Pavane: Sibylla
b1. Galliard: Agatha
b2. Galliard: Clara
b3. Galliard: Eurphrosina
b4. Galliard: Helena
b5. Galliard: Foelicitas
Hans Leo Hassler
- Intraden
CD-2: Vocal music
Richard de Fournival
- Onques n'amai - Sancte Germane
Anon., 13th c.
- estampie: Souvent souspire
Guillaume d'Amiens
- C'est la fins: virelai
Jacopo da Bologna
- Lucida petra
- Creatura gentil - Aquil' altera - Uccel di Dio
Francesco Landini
- L'alma mia piange
- Per seguir la speranza
Pierre Certon
- C'est grand pitié
Anthoine de Bertrand
- Iamais on n'a que tristesses
- Someillez vous, ma belle Aurore
- Celuy qui veut sçavoir
Sebastian Festa
- L'ultimo dì de maggio
Francesco Patavino
- Dillà da l'acqua
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
- Aqua non è l'humor
[1]-[4] Ms Chansonnier du Roy
[5]-[6] London, Brit. Lib., Add. 29987
[7]-[9] Pierre Attaingnant's Dance Book
[10] Pierre Phalèse's Dance Book (1571)
[11]-[26] not stated, probably printed editions
Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.
Playing time: 47' 52" + 44' 07" = 91' 59"
Recording site and date:
Unkown [1976-1985];
rel. 1995
These CD are compilation of previously released material:
[1]-[4], [13]-[15] Melodiya C 10 15083 - C
10 15084 (matrix number) [LP] France: Secular music of the 12th
- 14th Century
[5]-[6] Melodiya C 10 15085 - C 10 15086
(matrix number) [LP] Italy: Secular music of the 12th - 14th
[7]-[9], [21]-[22] (?) Melodiya C10 14027 -
C 10 14028 (matrix number) [LP] France: Secular music of the
16th Century
[10]-[12], [20], [23]-[26] Melodiya C10 24423
- C10 24424 (matrix number) [LP] Ansambl' starinnoi muzyki
"Hortus Musicus" - The early music consort "Hortus
[16]-[17] (?) Melodiya C10 07933 - C10 07934
(matrix number) [LP] Italy: secular music of the XIVth century
[18]-[19] Melodiya C10 07935 - C10 07936
(matrix number) [LP] Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
Reviewed in:
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Diapason (#-p.):
Fanfare (#-p.):
Information from BN-Opale.
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Pierre-F. Roberge