We work - We Sing

We work - We Sing
Commemorative Recording - 1953 Convention of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union
Choral 91, Cloakmakers - Noah Greenberg, dir.
I.L.G.W.U. (Esoteric Records, Inc.)


    Precise content is unknown but includes thirteen songs that started with the I.L.G.W.U. Anthem ("O union of the garment workers / To you we ever will be true") and ended with Hold the Fort.

Playing time: ??' ??"

Choral 91, Cloakmakers - Noah Greenberg, dir.

Recording site and date:
Unknown [1953]

Information from James Gollin (from his book "Pied Piper, the many lives of Noah Greenberg", p. 139, Pendragon, 2001).

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Pierre-F. Roberge