Timor Mortis

Timor Mortis
D'Argentil / Sermisy / Barra
Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard
Evidence Classics 110


    D'Argentil: Missa pro defunctis
  1. Introit
  2. Kyrie
  3. Sequence
  4. Pie Jesu
  5. Sanctus
  6. Agnus Dei
  7. Communion
  8. Répons

  9. Sermisy: Lamentations
  10. Lectio I
  11. Lectio II
  12. Lectio III
  13. Barra: Salve Regina misericordiæ

Performers: Guilhen Terrail (countertenor), David Sagastume (countertenor), Vincent Lièvre-Picard (tenor), Ivo Haun de Oliveira (tenor), Matthieu Romanens (tenor), Dominique Vellard (tenor), Emmanuel Vistorky (bass), Cyril Costanzo (bass)

Playing time: 59'

Recording date: September 2023 (Abbaye Saint-Michel); released: 2024

The otherwise obscure Charles d'Argentil (c.1500-1577) wrote one of the 12 known settings of the Requiem mass from before 1550, originating the tradition at the Papal Chapel. Jehan Barra (c.1490-1550) was apparently an itinerant musician of the period.

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Todd M. McComb