Music in Medieval Europe

Music in Medieval Europe
Studio der frühen Music & Early Music Institute - Thomas Binkley, dir.
Focus 883-4S (2 Cassettes)


  1. Alleluya (Mass for the Pentecost): Spiritus sanctus

  2. Adam de St. Victor:
  3. Sequence: Laudes crucis attollamus

  4. Anon. / Walter von Châtillon:
  5. Conductus: Sol sub nube latuit

  6. Anon., 13th-14th c. Las Huelgas codex, fol. 159v:
  7. Planctus (1v): O monialis concio burgensis

  8. Bernart de Ventadorn:
  9. Canso: Can vei la lauzeta mover

  10. Gaucelm Faidit:
  11. Fortz chausa es que tot lo major dan

  12. Gace Brulé:
  13. Biaus m'est estez quant retentist la bruille

  14. Colin Muset:
  15. Sire Cuens

  16. ----
    Martim Codax: Cantigas de Amigo
  17. Ondas do mare de Vigo

  18. Alfonso el Sabio (attr.), Escurial MS: Cantigas de Santa Maria
  19. Cantiga 26: Non e gran cousa

  20. Anon., ca 1300, Cambridge, King's College, Muniment Roll 2 W. 32:
  21. Bryd one brere

  22. Walter von der Vogelweide, State Archives, Münster Ms VII, 51:
  23. Nu alrest lebe ich mir werde (Palästinalied)

  24. Neidhart von Reuental, Sterzing "Miscellany Manuscript":
  25. Meie, din liehter schin

  26. Heinrich von Meissen:
  27. Myn vroud ist gar czugangyn

  28. Adam de la Halle: Le Jeu de Robin et Marion
  29. (Melodies)

  30. Magister Ato episcopus Trecencis (Troyes), Codex Calixtinus fol 185r:
  31. Conductus: Nostra phalanx plaudat leta

  32. Anon., Florence, BibliothecaMedicea-Laurenziana, Pluteus 29.1:
  33. Allelya (polyphonic setting): Spiritus Sanctus
  34. Cassette I

    Pérotin, Montpellier, Faculté de Médecine H 196:
  35. Alleluya, posui adiutorium

  36. Anon.:
  37. Latin Motet: O Natio / Hodie perlustravit

  38. Anon., ca 1300, Bamberg, Dombibliothek, Codex Bamberg Ed. IV 6:
  39. In seculum

  40. Adam de la Halle: Le Jeu de Robin et Marion
  41. Opening of the play: Robins m'aime ..., Robin m'a...

  42. Anon.:
  43. Mout me fu grief / Robins m'aime / Portare

  44. Petrus de Cruce (attr.):
  45. Motet: Aucun ont trouvé / Lonc tans / Annuntiantes

  46. Anon., Paris, Bibl. Nat. f. fr. 844:
  47. La Quinte Estampie Real

  48. Anon.:
  49. Nota

  50. Philippe de Vitry:
  51. Motet: Douce Playsence / Grarison selon nature / Neuma quinti toni

  52. Guillaume de Machaut: Le lay de la fonteinne
  53. I. Je ne cesse de prier
  54. XII. Pour laver et nettoier

  55. Guillaume de Machaut:
  56. Virelai 37: Moult sui de bonne heure nee
  57. Rondeau 1: Doulz viaire gracieus
  58. Rondeau 11: Comment puet on mieus ses maus dire

  59. ----
  60. Ballade 25: Honte, paour, douptance

  61. Francesco Landini:
  62. Ballata: Donna, s'i' t'o fallito
  63. Gram piant'agli ochi

  64. Anon., Faenza Codex 117:
  65. Instr.: Honte, paour, douptance

  66. Anon., Codex Faenza 117, no. 119 (Plamenac no. 29):
  67. (Instr.): Non avrà ma' pieta

  68. Anon.:
  69. (Instr.): Kyrie

  70. Anon.:
  71. Istampitta: Gaetta

  72. Anthonello de Caserta:
  73. Ballade: Beaute Parfaite

  74. Johannes Ciconia: Italienische werke
  75. Madrigal: Una panthera

  76. Johannes Ciconia: Lateinische werke
  77. Gloria

Playing time: not stated

Original recording, Performers, Recording site and date:
[1]-[2], [8], [14], [17], [26], [37], [39]: Original material; Musicians of the Early Music Institute, Indiana University School of Music - Thomas Binkley, dir., [1988 or earlier]
[3], [18], [23]: EMI "Reflexe" IC 069 46 401 [LP] Vox Humana - Vokalmusik aus dem Mittelalter.
[4], [6] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 129 [LP] Planctus
[5] Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" SAWT 9567-B [LP] Chansons der Troubadours - Lieder und Spielmusik aus dem 12. Jahrhundert
[7] Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" SAWT 6.41.275 [LP] Chansons der Trouvères - Lieder des 13. Jahrhunderts aus Nordenfrankreich
[9] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 118 [LP] Bernart de Ventadorn - Chansons d'amour & Martim Codax - Canciones de amigo
[10] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 107 [LP] Camino de Santigo I - Ein Pilgerstra&szling;e Navarra/Castilla
[11], [19], [20], [22] Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" SAWT 9504-A [LP] Weltliche Musik um 1300.
[12]-[13] Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" SAWT 9487-A [LP] Minnesang und Spruchdichtung um 1200-1320 - Walther von der Vogelweide - Neidhart - Wizlaw - Frauenlob
[15], [21] Focus 913 [LP] Adam de la Halle: Le Jeu de Robin et Marion - The Play of Robin and Marion
[16] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 108 [LP] Camino de Santigo II - Ein Pilgerstrae León/Galicia
[24]-[25] Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" SAWT 6 41.928 [LP] Musik der Spielleute.
[27]-[28] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 106 [LP] Guillaume de Machaut Chansons Vol. 1.
[29]-[32], [35] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 109 [LP] Guillaume de Machaut Chansons Vol. 2.
[33], [34], [36] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP] Francesco Landini.
[38] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 122 [LP] Estampie - Instrumentalmusik des Mittelalters.
[40]-[41] EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 102 [LP] Johannes Ciconia

Two cassettes are accompanying a book by Jeremy Yudkin "Music in medieval Europe" published in 1989 by Prentice-Hall. This is the latest published anthology provided with recordings (extra $). A similar approach has been taken by others in the past such as:

The Oxford Anthology of Music: Medieval Music
The History of Music in Sound - Oxford University Press

Another cassette series:

The Medieval Lyric: A Project Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and Mount Holyoke College
Margaret Switten and Robert Eisenstein, dirs.
The Medieval Lyric [5 Cassettes]

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Pierre-F. Roberge