Gombert: Magnificats 1-4

Gombert: Magnificats 1-4
Tallis Scholars - Peter Phillips
Gimell 037


  1. Antiphon: Angeli, archangeli (chant)
  2. Magnificat 1 Primi toni (a 6)
  3. Antiphon (chant)
  4. Antiphon: O Adonai (chant)
  5. Magnificat 2 Secundi toni (a 5)
  6. Antiphon (chant)
  7. Antiphon: Cum ortus fuerit (chant)
  8. Magnificat 3 Tertii et octavi toni (a 8)
  9. Antiphon (chant)
  10. Antiphon: Pater juste (chant)
  11. Magnificat 4 Quarti toni (a 6)
  12. Antiphon (chant)

Performers: Janet Coxwell (soprano), Deborah Roberts (soprano), Caroline Trevor (alto), Robert Harre-Jones (alto), David Gould (alto), Michael Lees (alto), Philip Cave (tenor), Steven Harrold (tenor), Robert Johnston (tenor), Leigh Nixon (tenor), Simon Berridge (tenor), Toby Watkin (tenor), Robert Evans (tenor), Andrew Gant (tenor), Donald Greig (bass), Robert Macdonald (bass), Stephen Charlesworth (bass), Adrian Peacock (bass)

Playing time: 54'

Release date: 2001

These Magnificats, half of Gombert's full set of eight, alternate with chant. They are introduced and concluded with an antiphon here. The Magnificat cycle is apparently Gombert's last major work.

The second volume:

Gombert: Magnificats 5-8
Tallis Scholars - Peter Phillips
Gimell 038

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Todd M. McComb