Music of the Middle Ages

Music of the Middle Ages
Songs, laments and dances
Serendipity, The Monks and Novices of St Frideswide, The Oxford Girls' Choir
The Gift of Music CDG1055 [CD]


  1. Ricercar
  2. Ther is no rose of swych vertu
  3. Ricercar
  4. Dou way Robin
  5. Trois sereus
  6. Ah Robin, gentle Robin
  7. Summer is icumen in
  8. Bryd one brere
  9. Salterello
  10. Lullay, lullay
  11. Foweles in the frith
  12. Petrone (medieval organ)
  13. Gabriel fram evene king
  14. Angelus ad virginem
  15. Alle, psallite
  16. Veni creator
  17. Edi be thu
  18. Roses in bloom
  19. Maiden in the mor lay
  20. Nobilis, humilis
  21. Ricercar
  22. Gloria laus
  23. Alleluya psallat

The Oxford Girls' Choir;
Jon Banks (gittern, harp), Matthew Spring (lute, gittern, hurdy-gurdy, percussion), Sharon Lindo (rebec, medieval fiddle), pipes, pipe, tabor), Lisette Wesseling (French songs), Michelene Wandor (recorder)

Playing time: 63' 04"

Recording site and date:
Unknown [2003 or prior];
Rel.: 2003

Reviewed in:

Information from website & Jorge Salazar.

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Pierre-F. Roberge