Machaut: Messe de Notre Dame

Messe de Notre Dame de Guillaume de Machaut
Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard
Harmonic 8931
Cantus 9624


  1. Introït: Gaudeamus omnes in domino
  2. Kyrie eleyson (a 4)
  3. Gloria in excelsis Deo (a 4)
  4. Collecte: Veneranda nobis
  5. Epître: Lectio libri Sapiente
  6. Graduel: Propter veritatem
  7. Alleluia, assumpta est Maria
  8. Evangile: In illo tempore intravit Jesus
  9. Credo in unum Deum (a 4)
  10. Offertoire: Diffusa est gratia
  11. Préface
  12. Sanctus - Benedictus (a 4)
  13. Pater Noster
  14. Agnus Dei (a 4)
  15. Communion: Regina mundi
  16. Post-communion: Mense celestis
  17. Ite missa est (a 4)

Performers: Andreas Scholl (countertenor), Gerd Türk (tenor), Emmanuel Bonnardot (baritone), Jacques Bona (bass), Dominique Vellard (tenor), Hervé Lamy (tenor), Philippe Balloy (baritone), Willem de Waal (baritone)

Playing time: 56'

Recording date: September 1990 (Collégiale Saint-Martin de Champeaux, Seine et Marne)

This is an all-male vocal recording, using chant for the Propers (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and Machaut's polyphony for the Ordinary.

Brilliant classics 94217 [CDx3 + CD-ROM] Guillaume de Machaut c1300-1301: Sacred and Secular Music

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Todd M. McComb