Alfred Deller: Airs anglais et baroques

Airs anglais et baroques
The Deller Consort – Alfred Deller, dir.
Harmonia mundi HMU 229 [LP]
Harmonia mundi « Musique d'Abord » HM 229 [LP]
Harmonia mundi « Musique d'Abord » HM 40 229 [Cass.]
Musical Heritage Society MHS 4222 [LP]


    Airs Baroques

    Dietrich Buxtehude:
  1. Cantate: Singet dem Herrn
    Georg Friderich Haendel:
  2. Süsse Stille

  3. Bonifazio Gratiani:
  4. Salve Regina
  5. Airs Anglais

    William Boyce:
  6. Solomon (From the mountains, Io I !, he comes ... Tell me, lovely shepherd)

  7. Anon., XVIIth c.:
  8. O death rock me asleep

  9. Thomas Morley:
  10. With my love my life was nestled

  11. Alfonso Bales:
  12. Chloris sigh'td

  13. Henry Purcell (m) / N Tate (t):
  14. Tell me, some pitying angel (The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation) (Z196, p1693)

Playing time: ??' ??".

The Deller Consort
Honor Sheppard (soprano), Robert Elliott (organ, harpsichord), Desmond Dupré (lute, viola da gamba), Clarence Myerscough (violin), Irvine Arditti (violin)
Alfred Deller, dir.

Recording site and date:
Unknown [1974 or prior];
Rel.: 1974

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 190-46 (oct. 1974)

Information from Diapason catalogue (1978) and BN-Opale.

To FAQ references to this recording.

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Pierre-F. Roberge