Chant grégorien, vol. 2
- Chant grégorien (2)
- Le Jeu pascal de Prague - The Prague Easter Play - Das Prager
The Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir.
Harmonia mundi HMU 235 [LP]
Harmonia mundi "Musique d'Abord" HM 235 [LP]
Harmonia mundi "Musique d'Abord" HM 40 235
FSM 53 308 [LP, Germany]
Musical Heritage Society MHS 3746 [LP, U.S.A.]
Harmonia mundi "Black Label" HMB 235 (sleeve) / HM
235 (disc) [LP]
Harmonia mundi "Black Label" HMB 40 235 [Cass.]
Harmonia mundi "Musique d'Abord" HMA 43 235
Le Drame liturgique de Prague
Anon., gregorian:
- Invitatory: Surrexit Dominus vere
Le Jeu Pascal de Prague
Anon., gregorian
- Responsory: Dum transisset
Marie: Aromata pretio quaerimus
Antiphon: Currebant duo simul
Final Hymn: Te Deum laudamus
Le Drame liturgique de Prague (cont.)
Anon., gregorian:
- Hymn: Rex sempiterne Domine
- Responsory: Surgens Jesus
- Responsory: Congratulamini mihi
- Reading of the Gospel (Vespere autem sabbati, ...)
Hymn: Te decet laus
- Responsory: Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro
Hymn: Aurora lucis rutilat
- Antiphon: Vespere autem sabbati
Antiphon: Et ecce terraemotus
Antiphon: Angelus autem Domini
Antiphon: Erat autem
Antiphon: Prae timore
Antiphon: Respondens autem
Antiphon: Venite et videte
Antiphon: Cito euntes
Antiphon: In Galilea
Benedicamus Domino, alleluja, alleluja
Responsory: Deo gratias, alleluja, alleluja
Playing time: 21' 55" + 21' 55" = 43' 50"
The Deller Consort:
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor), Mark Deller (counter-tenor), Maurice
Bevan (baritone), John Buttrey (tenor), Paul Elliott (tenor)
Alfred Deller, dir.
Recording site and date:
Unknown [1974];
Rel.: 1974 (HMU), 1980 (HM), 1981 (HMB), 1989 (HMA)
Harmonia mundi HMA 190 235/7 [CD] Chant
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 189-60 (as HMC 90 234)
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.): 53/630-901
Information from owned LP (HMB).
It is noteworthy to include here an excerpt of the text appearing
on back of the sleeve:
A lively hymn, Rex sempiterne Domine, forms the transition
between the responsorial and the antiphonal psalmody. (To maintain
the balance on the two sides of the recording it has been necessary
to carry over on Side 2 the entire liturgical section which precedes
the actual drama) ....
So the Play itself has been misplaced on purpose. My understanding
is that the exact order is [1], [3]-[6], [2]-[3], [7]-[8].
To FAQ references to this recording.
To FAQ CD index page.
Pierre-F. Roberge