Musique à Versailles

Marin Marais
Musique à Versailles
N. Harnoncourt, A. Harnoncourt, Stastny, Tachezi
Harmonia mundi HMU 414 [LP]
Harmonia mundi HM 40 414 [Cass.]
Harmonia mundi "Black Label" HMB 40 414 [Cass.]
Harmonia mundi "Black Label" HMB 414 [LP]
Harmonia mundi HMC 90 414 [CD]
Harmonia mundi "Musique d'abord" HMA 195 414 [CD]


    Marin Marais

  1. Sonnerie de Sainte-Geneviève du Mont de Paris

  2. Suite no. 1 en Do majeur pour flûte, dessus et clavecin
  3. Prélude
  4. Sarabande
  5. Fantaisie
  6. Loure
  7. La Bagatelle
  8. Gavotte
  9. Menuet
  10. Rondeau

  11. Suite no. 4 en Ré majeur pour basse de viole et clavecin
  12. Prélude
  13. Allemande
  14. Courante
  15. Sarabande
  16. La Folette
  17. Gigue
  18. Gavotte
  19. Menuet La Chanterelle
  20. Menuet La Trompette
  21. Rondeau
  22. Plainte
  23. Charivary

Playing time: 48' 19"

Nikolaus Harnoncourt (viola da gamba), Alice Harnoncourt (violin), Leopold Stastny (flute), Herbert Tachezi (harpsichord)

Recording site and date:
[1973 or prior];
Rel.: 1976 (HMU), 1981 (HM 40), 1987 (HMC), 2004 (HMA)

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):

Harmonia mundi HM 499 (10) - (HM 1080, HM941, HM 2 461, HM 1077, HM399, HM414, HM1045, HM1055, HM1002) [LPx10] Musique Française des XVIIe & XVIIIe Siècles

Information from Bn-Opale plus and
Apparently there is some confusion between initial recording of this LP (HMU 414, 1976) and another one released in 1973 bearing the same number (HM 414) and title, the latter being a release of harpsichord music by Marais, D'Anglebert and Forqueray (Leonhardt / Kuijken), later released by Deutsche Harmonia mundi GD77145 (CD). This is probably the result of HM (France) and HM (Germany) breaking their commercial association in 1958.

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Pierre-F. Roberge