Machaut: Missa de Nostre Dame

Guillaume de Machaut
Missa de Nostre Dame - Felix Virgo / Inviolata
Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge - Mary Berry, dir.
Herald 312


    Guillaume de Machaut: Messe de Notre Dame
  1. Introit: Gaudeamus omnes
  2. Kyrie
  3. Gloria
  4. Collect: Veneranda nobis, Domine
  5. Epistle: Lectio libri Sapientiae
  6. Gradual & Alleluia: Audi filia
  7. Prose: Area virga
  8. Gospel: In illo tempore
  9. Creed: Credo in unum Deum
  10. Offertory: Ave Maria, gratia plena

  11. Guillaume de Machaut
  12. Motet 23: Felix virgo / Inviolata genitrix

  13. Guillaume de Machaut: Messe de Notre Dame
  14. Orate Fratres: Secret & Preface
  15. Sanctus & Benedictus
  16. Canon: Hanc igitur - Consecration
  17. Pater noster
  18. Agnus dei
  19. Communion: Dilexisti iusticiam
  20. Postcommunion: Mense celestis
  21. Ite missa est & Deo gracias

Playing time: 75' 49"

Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge:
The Cantors: Ian Aikenhead (polyphony: alto), Peter Nardone (polyphony: alto), John Bowley (polyphony & Chant: tenor), William Lee (chant: tenor), Nicholas Todd (polyphony & chant: tenor), Roland Robertson (polyphony & chant: baritone), John Rowlands (chant: bass), Jeremy White (chant: bass)
Mary Berry, dir., Stephen Tilton, asst. dir.
with Clergy

Recording site and date:
Reims Cathedral, Reims, France [04/2004];
Rel.: 2005

Reviewed in:
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.): 32/2-249 (November / December 2008)
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.): 84/1007-88 (July 2006)

Information from CD.
The pieces of the Ordinary (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus and Ite Missa est) are those composed by Machaut, his Messe de Nostre Dame. The pieces of the Proper (Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Prose, Offertory and Communion) are those for the Feast of the Assumption.

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Pierre-F. Roberge