Troubadour songs / Abelard

Troubadour Songs and Medieval Lyrics
Hillier / Stubbs / Kiesel
Hyperion 66094


    Troubadour Songs from Provence
  1. Guiraut de Borneil: Reis glorios, verais lums e clartatz
  2. Bernart de Ventadorn: Can l'erba fresch'e.lh folha par
  3. Bernart de Ventadorn: Be m'an perdut lai enves ventadorn
  4. Bernart de Ventadorn: Can l'erba fresch'e.lh folha par (instrumental)
  5. Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta mover

  6. Medieval Lyrics
  7. Anon-England: Worldës Blis
  8. Peter Abelard: Planctus David
  9. Anon-Norway: Ex te lux oritur o dulcis scocia

Performers: Paul Hillier (baritone, harp), Stephen Stubbs (lute), Lena-Liis Kiesel (portative organ)

Playing time: 47'

Recording date: June 1982

This recording has a much "smoother" melodic style than Hiller's more recent Proensa recording. Strangely, Hillier also chose to re-record 3 of the 4 troubadour songs on this disc for the new recording.

A recording featuring medieval music from Norway:

Medieval songs from Norway
B. Garnås / J. Garbarek
ECM New Series 1402

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Todd M. McComb