13th-century motets

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Motets and Songs from Thirteenth Century France
Gothic Voices - Christopher Page
Hyperion 66423 [CD]
Helios 55273 [CD]


  1. Je ne chant pas / Talens m'est pris / Aptatur / Omnes (4 voices)
  2. Trois sereurs / Trois sereurs / Trois sereurs / Perlustravit (4 voices)
  3. Blondel de Nesle: En tous tans que vente bise (voice)
  4. Plus bele que flors / Quant revient / L'autrier jouer / Flos filius eius (4 voices)
  5. Par un matinet / Hé, bergier! / Eius (4 voices)
  6. De la virge Katerine / Quant froidure / Agmina milicie / Agmina (4 voices)
  7. Colin Muset: Trop volentiers chanteroie (voice)
  8. Ave parens / Ad gratie / Ave Maria (3 voices)
  9. Super te Jerusalem / Sed fulsit virginitas / Primus tenor / Dominus (4 voices)
  10. A vous douce debonnaire (voice)
  11. Mout souvent / Mout ai esté en dolour / Mulierum (3 voices)
  12. Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta mover (voice)
  13. Quant voi l'aloete / Diex! je ne m'en partiré ja / Neuma (3 voices)
  14. En non Dieu / Quant voi la rose / Nobis (3 voices)
  15. Gautier de Dargies: Autres que je ne sueill fas (voice)
  16. Je m'en vois / Tels a mout / Omnes (2 voices, harp)
  17. Festa januaria (3 voices)

Performers: Margaret Philpot (alto), Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor), Rufus Müller (tenor), Leigh Nixon (tenor), Stephen Charlesworth (baritone), Christopher Page (harp)

Playing time: 46'

Recording date: March 1990

This performance consists of nine French motets, two Latin motets, one Latin polyphonic conductus (the final track), and five troubadour or trouvère songs. Those without composers noted are anonymous, including all of the motets.

This disc gives a fine introduction to the 13th century motet, both through discussion in the liner notes, and by prefacing several of the renditions with the individual lines which make up the motet. This makes it much easier to hear how these compact pieces really fit together.

Two recordings devoted specifically to a primary source for these motets, the Montpellier Codex:

De Amore
Polyphonie française du XIIIe siècle
Ligeriana - Katia Caré, dir.
Calliope 9360
Love's Illusion
Montpellier Codex, 13th Century
Anonymous 4
Harmonia Mundi USA 907109

Gothic Voices' recording of earlier repertory (as in track #17):

Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Gothic Voices - Christopher Page
Hyperion 66336

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Todd M. McComb