Gombert: Missa Tempore paschali

Gombert: Missa Tempore paschali / Magnificat octavi toni
Henry's Eight - Jonathan Brown
Hyperion 66943
Hyperion "Helios" 55323


  1. Magnificat octavi toni (a 3-8)
  2. Missa Tempore paschali - Kyrie (a 6)
  3. Missa Tempore paschali - Gloria (a 6)
  4. Adonai, Domine Iesu Christe (a 5)
  5. Missa Tempore paschali - Credo (a 8)
  6. In illo tempore (a 6)
  7. Missa Tempore paschali - Sanctus (a 6)
  8. Missa Tempore paschali - Benedictus (a 4)
  9. O Rex gloriae (a 6)
  10. Missa Tempore paschali - Agnus Dei (a 6 & 12)

Performers: Declan Costello, William Towers, Robin Blaze (countertenors); Duncan Byrne, Nick Todd, Nicholas Yates, Toby Watkin (tenors); Gabriel Crouch, Damian O'Keefe, Robert-Jan Temmink, Giles Underwood (basses)

Playing time: 65'

Recording date: December 1996

This program features another performance of the Missa Tempore paschali, one of eleven surviving masses by Gombert, and by no means the most sophisticated.

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Todd M. McComb