The Language of Love

The Language of Love
Songs of the troubadours and trouvères
Duo Trobairitz
Hyperion CDA 67634


  1. Por coi me bait mes maris
  2. Dansse Real

  3. Gaucelm Faidit
  4. Le rossinholet salvatge

  5. Anon.
  6. La Tierche Estampie Roial
  7. En un vergier
  8. La Quarte Estampie Royal
  9. En ma forest

  10. Bernart de Ventadorn
  11. Can l'erba fresch'

  12. Colin Muset
  13. Volez oir la muse Muset?

  14. Anon.
  15. Bele Doette
  16. La Prime estampie Royal

  17. Guiraut de Bornelh
  18. Reis glorios

Playing time: 64' 55"

Duo Trobairitz
Faye Newton (soprano), Hazel Brooks (vielle)

Recording site and date:
St Andrew's Church, Toddington, Gloucestershire, UK [02/2005];
Rel.: 2007

Reviewed in: Gramophone (Vol./#-p.): 85/1023-109 (october 2007)

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Pierre-F. Roberge