Ecos de Ultramar

Ecos de Ultramar
In Taberna Música Medieval
In Taberna Música Medieval ITd. 001 [CD]


    Anon (14th Century, Germany)
  1. Resonet in laudibus

  2. Anon (14th Century, Italy)
  3. Trotto

  4. Llibre Vermell (14th Century, Spain)
  5. Cuncti simus concanentes

  6. Anon (14th-15th Century, Italy)
  7. Bellicha

  8. Alfonso X El Sabio
  9. Quen serve Santa Maria (CSM 213)

  10. Llibre Vermell (14th Century, Spain)
  11. Polorum Regina

  12. Peire Vidal (12th Century)
  13. Barons, de mon dan convit

  14. Anon (14th-15th Century, Italy)
  15. Lamento di Tristano

  16. Traditional Macedonia
  17. Nevestinko oro

  18. Anon (14th-15th Century, Hungary)
  19. Mi Atyánk Atya Isten

  20. Traditional Sufi
  21. Mevlana

Performers: Pamela Barake (voice, darabuka), Katalin Karakay (voice, baglama, daff, gothic harp, qanun, percussion), Pedro Espinoza (voice, vielle, carillon, dulcimer, percussion), Franco Bonino (voice, recorders, crumhorn, shawm), Juan Orellana (voice, oud, darbuka, santour, bendir), Sergio Contreras (voice, recorders, dulcimers, baglama)

Playing time: 54' 13"

Recording date: 2004 (Santiago, Chile); released: 2008

Information from Jorge Salazar.

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Todd M. McComb