Sephardic Songs
- Sephardic Songs in the hispano-arabic tradition of medieval
- aka Canciones Sefardies de la tradición
hispanoárabe en la España medieval (on Sonifolk)
aka Ballads of the Sephardic Jews (on Dorian)
Sarband - Vladimir Ivanoff, dir.
Jaro 4206-2
Sonifolk 21 115
Dorian Recordings DOR-93190
Anon., trad., Spain:
- Ea Judios
Anon., Morocco (Tetuan):
Yo en estando
Juan del Encina, Cancionero musical de Palacio 77:
Yo m'estava reposando
Anon., Spain, 14th c.:
- Calvi, Calvi / Rey Don Alonso / Kol libi
Joan Ambrosio Dalza: Intabulatura de Lauto, Libro
- Caldibì Castigliano
Anon., Morocco, Turkey, Bosnia, Greece:
- Porke yorach
Anon., Chansonnier Sevilla, F-Bn nouv. Acq. Fr.
- Cados, Cados
Anon. (music), trad./ Abu Bakr ibn Zuhr al-Hafid (text,
arabic) & Don Todros ben Yehudah ha-Levi Abu l'-'Afia:
- Ayyu-ha s-sãqi / Qum Yêdid nafsi
Alfonso el Sabio (music) / Ibn Quzman (text):
- Cantiga 47: Virgen Santa Maria, / Ya gawharal galali
Anon. Trad. (Music) / Ibn Sahl (lyrics):
- Hal darà
Anon., Morocco (Fez) / Spain:
- Una tarde de verano
Playing time: 49' 14"
Sarband [Fadia El-Hage (voice), Belinda Sykes (voice, shawms,
bagpipes), Mustafa Dogan Dikmen (flute, kudüm, voice), Ihsan
Mehmet Özer (kanun), Ahmed Kadri Rizeli (kemençe,
percussion), Mehmet Yesilçay (ud, cura, percussion), Axel
Weindenfeld (renaissance lute), Vladimir Ivanoff (percussion, ud,
renaissance lute)] - Vladimir Ivanoff, dir.
Recording site and date:
Beirut, Istanbul, Munich [1994]
Reviewed in:
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Diapason (#-p.):
Fanfare ( #-p): 7-72 (mid 1999) (as Sonifolk 21 115)
Information from owned CD (Jaro) & Todd McComb (Dorian).
Maybe they are not completely authentic but the result is a pleasure
to listen. The content of the CD booklet is very interesting and
well done.
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Pierre-F. Roberge