One Byrde in Hande
- One Byrde in Hande
- Richard Egarr
Linn Records 518
- Prelude (MB12)
- Fantasia (MB13)
- Prelude (MB1)
- Ground (MB9)
- Ground (MB43)
- Pavan (MB16a)
- Galliard (MB16b)
- Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la (MB64)
- Ut, mi, re (MB65)
- Fantasia (MB62)
- Lachrymae Pavan (MB54)
- Prelude (MB24)
- Fantasia (MB25)
- The Bells (MB38)
Instrument: harpsichord (Joel Katzman, Amsterdam, 1991, after
Ruckers 1638)
Playing time: 63'
Recording date: January 2017 (Haarlem); released: 2018
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Todd M. McComb