Tempus est iocundum

Tempus est iocundum: Música y poesía en la Europa Medieval - Music and Poetry in Medieval Europe
de las "Cantigas de Sta. Maria" a los "Carmina Burana" - from "Cantigas de Sta. Maria" to "Carmina Burana"
Lindoro MPC 0711 [CD]
Lindoro 3035 [CD]


    Thibaut de Champagne
  1. En mai la rousee

  2. Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria
  3. Cantiga 29: Como podem per sas culpas
  4. Cantiga 166: Nas mentes sepre teer
  5. Cantiga 23/386: Como Deus / A que avondou

  6. Guillaume de Amiens
  7. C'est la fin

  8. Anon., 14th c.
  9. Saltarello

  10. Anon., 13th c.
  11. Danza Real

  12. Anon., 14th c.
  13. Saltarello

  14. Anon., Carmina Burana
  15. CB 185: Ich was ein chint so wolgetan

  16. Anon., 13th c.
  17. Estampida Real No. 3

  18. Raimbaut de Vaqueiras
  19. Kalenda maia

  20. Anon., 14th c.
  21. Chançonetta tedescha

  22. Anon., judeo-spanish, Balkan area
  23. Ventanas altas

  24. Anon., Carmina Burana
  25. CB 116: Sic mea fata

[1a] Chansonnier de l'Arsenal, ms Fr. 5198
[1b] Merian, der tanzin den deutschen tabulaturbüchern, Leipzig, 1927
[2]-[4] Códice de Toledo. sig: 103-23 / Códices del Escorial, sig. J.b.2 & T.j.1
[5] ms Reg. Christ; 1490, fol. 136 A, Biblioteca Vaticana
[6], [8] London ms, Brit. Museum, add. 29987
[7], [9] Paris, Bibl. Nat., ms franç. 844
[10], [14] Munich Staatbibl. Ms lat. 4660, 4660a
[11] Occitanian manuscripts, Paris, Bibl. Nat., fr. 22543
[12] "Puncta", London ms, Brit. Museum, add. 29987
[13] "Les contrafacta hébreux des romanzas judéo-espagnoles"

Playing time: 54' 25"

Francisco Orozco (vocal soloist, plucked instruments: citole, lute, organistrum, ceterina, vihuela de peñola), José Luis Pastor (plucked instruments: Laúd de cuatro órdonnes, citole), Álvaro Garrido (percussion: tambourine, daff, darbouka, medieval drum, small tambourine, bendir, cántaro, shells, small bells), Juan Manuel Rubio (string instruments: symphonia, rabel, viola, harp), Ignacio Gil (wind instrument: axabeba (moorish transverse flute), hornpipe), José Manuel Vaqueiro (hurdy-gurdy, recorder)

Recording site and date:
Capilla interior del Antiguo Seminario Jesuíta, Sevilla, Spain [06/2001];
Rel. 2002, 2017

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Goldberg (#-p.): 23-94 (summer 2003)

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Pierre-F. Roberge