Music and Art at the Court of Charles I

Music and Art at the Court of Charles I
Paul Agnew / Christopher Wilson / Concordia - Mark Levy
Metronome 1038

Under Construction

Quote from Metronome:

Compiled to complement the exhibition Orazio Gentileschi at the Court of Charles I held in London, Bilbao and Madrid in 1999 this collection is a broad introduction to the musical splendour and ambition of Charles I's court. It includes the work of Nicholas Lanier, the First Master of the King's Musick, who was reputed to be the lover of Artemisia Gentileschi, the daughter of the painter Orazio Gentileschi who was the Court Painter; William Lawes, the greatest English composer of the 17th century, who died valiantly in the Royalist cause at the siege of Chester; and contemporary settings of the poetry of John Donne by Corkine, Hilton and Sumarte.

Other recordings in this series:

Music and Art in Renaissance Florence
Robin Blaze / Concordia - Mark Levy
Metronome 1041
Music from the Time of Vermeer
Julia Gooding / Carole Cerasi / Christopher Wilson
Metronome 1051
Venice and the Music of Love
Concordia - Mark Levy
Metronome 1052
Music from the Time of Rembrandt
Julia Gooding / Paul Agnew / Carole Cerasi / Christopher Wilson
Metronome 1057
Raphael - The Music of the Courtier
Orlando Consort / Concordia / I Fagiolini / Christopher Wilson
Metronome 1075

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Todd M. McComb