Hadomar von Laber: Jagd nach Liebe

Hadomar von Laber: Jagd nach Liebe
A 14th Century "Minneallegorie" in songs and dances
Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic
Oehms Classics 519


  1. Hadomar von Laber: Aufbruch zur Jagd
  2. Anon., France 14th c.: Souvent souspire
  3. Anon., England 13th c.: Tanz (instrumental)
  4. Hadamar von Laber: Verwundung des Herzens
  5. Münch von Salzburg: Ju ich jag nacht und tag
  6. Anon., Codex Montpellier: Chose Loyset (instrumental)
  7. Gherardellus de Florentia: Cacciando un giorno
  8. Interludium auf dem Hackbrett
  9. Hadamar von Laber: Ratsuche
  10. Münch von Salzburg: Ich het czu hant geloket mir
  11. Gherardellus de Florentia: Per prender cacciagion leggiadra
  12. Martin Codax: Cantigas de amigo (instrumental)
  13. Hadamar von Laber: Letzler Entschluss

Performers: Eberhard Kummer (voice, hurdy-gurdy, harp), Markus Forster (countertenor), Esmail Vasseghi (dulcimer, tambourine, drum), René Clemencic (recorders, shawm)

Playing time: 78'

Recording date: June 2004 (Regensburg, live)

This program centers around Hadamar von Laber (d.1354), and his literary epic The Hunt. The major metaphor of the piece is courtly love as a form of animal hunt. The performance has selected four key scenes from the 565 verses, and framed them with other medieval songs & dances. Hadamar's work did not include written music, but would have presumably been sung, as it is here.

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Todd M. McComb