The Scyence of Lutynge
- The Scyence of Lutynge
- The Orpheus Circle
Anthony Rooley
Musica Oscura 070971-2
Anthony Holborne
Pavans and Galliards for Lady Mary Sidney
- The Countess of Pembroke's Paradise
- The Sighs Galliard
- The Countess of Pembroke's Funeral
- The Funeral Galliard
Michelangelo Galilei
Sonata Prima
- Toccata I
- Toccato II
- Toccata III
- Gagliarda I
- Gagliarda II
- Corrento
- Volta
Williams Lawes
The Golden Grove
- Alman
- Corant
- Saraband
Royal Consorte Sett No. 1 in D minor
- Fantasia
- Ayre I
- Ayre II
- Corant I
- Corant II
- Saraband
- Echo
Matthew Locke
The Lover's Grove
- Alman
- Corant
- Saraband
John Blow
Musick's Handmaid
- Gound
- Rondo
- Minuet
Playing time: 64'59"
Performer: Anthony Rooley (lute)
Recording site and date: Forde Abbey, Dorset; June 1990
Comments: Information from owned CD.
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Jon Stringer