Bringing Light to the Unknown

Bringing Light to the Unknown
Musica Oscura Sampler
The Consort of Musicke - Anthony Rooley, dir.
Musica Oscura 280826-2


    Favola in Musica

    Alessandro Stradella
  1. Sinfonia
  2. Esule dalle sfere [Lucifero]
  3. The Monteverdi Circle

    Cipriano de Rore
  4. Da l'estrem' orizonte

  5. Luca Marenzio
  6. Dolorosi martir

  7. Sigismondo d'India
  8. Giunto a la tomba

  9. Claudio Monteverdi
  10. Io mi son giovinetta
  11. Rutilante in nocte

  12. Salamone Rossi
  13. Cor mio, deh non languie

  14. Beneditto Pallavicino
  15. Crudelissima doglia

  16. Sigismondo d'India
  17. Crud' Amarilli

  18. Angelo Notari
  19. Ecco ch'un altra volta

  20. Biagio Marini
  21. Ninfa

  22. Walter Porter
  23. Thus sang Orpheus
  24. The Orpheus Circle

    Giulo Caccini/Angelo Nauwach
  25. Amarilli mia bella

  26. John Eccles
  27. Oh! Take him gently
  28. The Fanshawe Circle

    John Ward
  29. In nomine
  30. Down caitive wretch
  31. Women in Song

  32. The Dark is my Delight
  33. The Handel Circle

    Maurice Greene
  34. The Rolling Wheele
  35. The Purcell Circle

    William Turner
  36. See where she sits

  37. Henry Purcell
  38. When Myra sings

  39. John Eccles
  40. Awake, awake

Playing time: 76'41"

Performer: The Consort of Musicke - Anthony Rooley dir.
[Emma Kirkby (soprano), Evelyn Tubb (soprano), Mary Nichols (alto), Andrew King (tenor), Rufus Muller (tenor), Paul Agnew (tenor), Alan Ewing (bass), David Thomas (bass), Richard Wistreich (bass), Anthony Rooley (lute), Ursula Weiss (violin), Lars Ulrik Mortensen (violin), Alison Crum (bass viol), Alan Wilson (harpsichord)]

Recording site and dates: Forde Abbey, Dorset; Various

Comments: Information from owned CD.

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Jon Stringer