Carmina Burana: Tempus transit

Carmina Burana
Tempus transit
Ricercar RIC 238 [CD]


    Carmina Burana, Munich Staatsbibliothek, MS clm 4660 & 4660a

  1. CB 153: Tempus transit gelidum
  2. CB 116: Sic mea fata
  3. CB 37 (adapted): Dananza Gedeonis (instr.)
  4. CB 73: Clauso chronos
  5. Improvisation (percussions)
  6. CB 85: Veris dulcis in tempore
  7. CB 15: Celum non animum (first version)
  8. Improvisation (flutes)
  9. Estampie G'en ferait droit / CB 153 (adapted): Lucidor et lenior (instr.)
  10. CB 19: Fas et nefas ambulant (Gautier de Chatillon, attr.)
  11. Improvisation (vielle)
  12. CB 15: Celum non animum (second version)
  13. Improvisation (orguines)
  14. CB 19: Caterine collaudemus
  15. CB 21: Veritas veritatum (Philippe le Chancelier, attr.)
  16. CB 71 (adapted): Danxa aurea di Phebo (instr.)
  17. CB 31 (adapted): Nota perdita (instr.)
  18. CB 119: Dulce solum

Playing time: 70' 41"

Sabine Lutzenberger (voice, flute), Christophe Deslignes (orguines), Thierry Gomar (percussions), Philippe Malfeyt (lute), Baptiste Romain (vielle, bagpipe), Henri Tournier (tranverse flutes).

Recording site and date:
Église Notre-Dame de Centeilles [04/2004];
Rel.: 2004

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 520-130 (december 2004)
Early Music America (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Goldberg (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):

Information from owned CD.
This CD won a Diapason d'Or.

A next Carmina Burana volume by this ensemble:

Carmina Burana
Officium of the Gamblers
Ricercar RIC 247 [CD]

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To FAQ CD index page.

Pierre-F. Roberge