Music from the Mediterranean Basin (12th-16th centuries)
- Des Croisades à Don Quichotte
- Musique du pourtour méditerranéen (XIIe-XVIe
siècles) Music from the Mediterranean Basin (12th-16th
Ensemble vocal et instrumental Arabesque - Domitille de Bienassis,
Solstice SOCD 125
Anon., Catalan:
- Cant de la Sibilla
Anon. trad., Turkey
- El Rey de Francia
Alfonso el Sabio (attr.), Escurial MS: Cantigas
de Santa Maria
- Cantiga 42: A Virgen mui groriosa
Anon., Italy, 14th. c.:
- Estampitta Bellicha
Bertrand de Born:
- Ai! Lemozis
- L'homme armé
Guiot de Dijon (attr.):
- Chanson de femme
Anon., Llivre Vermell de Montserrat:
- Cuncti simus concanentes
- Mariam matrem virginem
Anon,, Italy 14th c.:
- Estampitta Isabella
- Lamento de Tristan
Guiraut de Bornelh:
- Reis glorios
Anon., Cyprus:
- Tijs soezas
Anon., 15th c.:
- Paseabase el Rey Moro
Lope di Baena:
- Todo quanto yo servi
- Los hombres con gran plazer
Di Maio:
- Tutta la vecchie son maleciose
Alonso Mudarra:
- Se me llaman
Juan del Encina:
- Que es de ti, disconsolado
Anon., Mexico, 15th c.:
- Dama mi gran querer
Anon., 15th c.:
- Muchos van d'amor
Playing time: 69' 29"
Ensemble vocal et instrumental Arabesque [Annie Dedet (luth, vihuela,
guitar), Muriel Dellis (bells, xilo, harpsichord), Régine
Ducros (light mezzo-soprano, percussions), Véronique
Meyer-Bisch (mezzo-soprano), François Nougaret (baritone),
André Ramplou (tenor, percussions, dulcimer, Françoise
Solazzi (soprano, recorder)] - Domitille de Bienassis, dir.
Recording site and date:
Église Saint-Martin de Conas, Hérault, France [05/95]
Re-issue: none
Compilation: none
Excerpts: none
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 419-172 (october 1995)
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
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Pierre-F. Roberge