Terre de Troubadours - Land of Troubadours
- Terre de Troubadours - Land of Troubadours
- Gérard Zuchetto, et al.
Studi - Les Presses Multimédia ISBN 3 542291 110206
[CD-ROM, version française - PC/MAC]
Studi - Les Presses Multimédia [CD-ROM, english
version - PC/MAC]
(for "instr.", see comments)
Les Maîtres du trobar - 1ere période
Bertran d'Alamanon:
- Alba: Us cavaliers si jazia (text, unknown melody)
Guilhem de Peiteus (Guilhem (William) IX Duke of Aquitaine,
VII Count of Poitiers):
- Pois de chantar m'es pres talens (melody, w/o text, from Jeu
de Sainte Agnès ?))
- Ab la doussor del temps novel (text, unknown melody)
Jaufre Rudel:
- No sap chantar qui so non di (t/m)
- Dirai vos senes doptansa (t/m)
- L'autrier jost'una sebissa (t/m)
- Pax in nomine Domini ! (melody w/o text)
- Quan l'aura doussa s'amarzis (text, unknown melody)
Bernart Marti lo Pintor:
- Bel m'es lai latz la fontana (text, unknown melody)
Peire d'Alvernha:
- Chantarai d'aquestz trobadors (text, unknown melody)
- Dejosta-ls breus jorns e-ls loncs sers (melody w/o text)
- Amics Bernartz de Ventadorn (t/m)
Bernart de Ventadorn:
- Quan vei la lauzeta mover (t/m)
- Non es meravelha s'eu chan (melody w/o text)
- Quan l'erba fresch'e-lh folha par (t/m)
Peire Rogier:
- Douss'amiga no-n posc mais (text, unknown melody)
Raimbaut d'Aurenga:
- Ar resplan la flors enversa (text, unknown melody)
- Pois tals sabers mi sortz e-m creis (t/m)
Giraut de Bornelh:
- Reis glorios verais lums e clartatz (t/m)
- Non posc sofrir qu'a la dolor (melody w/o text)
- Leu chansonet'e vil (t/m)
Arnaut Daniel:
- En cest sonet conhd'e leri (text, unknown melody)
- Canso: Lo ferm voler qu'el cor m'intra (t/m)
- Canso: Chanso do-lh mot son plan e prim (melody w/o text)
Les Maîtres du trobar - 2eme période
Guilhem Ademar:
- Comensamen comensarai (text)
Raimon Jordan:
- Lo clar temps vei brunezir
- Va vos siplei ... (melody w/o text)
Folquet de Marselha:
- Mout i fetz ... (melody w/o text)
- A! quan gen vens et ab quan pauc d'afan
Arnaut de Marolh:
- Si-m destrinhetz ... (melody w/o text)
- La grans beutatz e-l fis ensenhamens
Bertran de Born:
- Rassa tan creis e monta e poia
- Ai! Lemozin ... (melody w/o text)
- Be'm platz ... (melody w/o text)
Azalais de Porcairagues:
- Ar em al freg temps vengut
Comtessa de Dia:
- Ab joi et ab ... (melody w/o text)
- A chantar m'er de so qu'eu non volria
Maria de Ventadorn:
- Gui d'Ussel be-m pesa de vos
Na Castelhoza:
- Je de chantar nen degr'aven talan (melody w/o text)
Clara d'Anduza:
- En greu esmai et en greu pensamen (melody w/o text)
Les Maîtres du trobar - 2eme période (suite)
Peire Vidal:
- Pois vezem que l'ivern s'irais
- Pois tornatz sui en Proensa
- Ajostar e lassar (melody w/o text)
Gaucelm Faidit:
- Le rossinholet salvatge (melody w/o text)
- Fortz chauza es que tot lo maior dan
- No m'alegra chans ni critz (melody w/o text)
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras:
- Calenda maia
- Ara-m requier sa costum'e (melody w/o text)
- Aras quan vei verdeiar (text)
- Altas ondas que venetz sus la mar
Rigaut de Berbezilh:
- Atrissi lam l'orifans (melody w/o text)
- Aissa son las naturas d'alcus auzela et d'alcunas bestias
Peire Raimon de Tolosa:
- Atrissi com la candela (melody w/o text)
- Pensamen ai e consir
Guilhem de Cabestanh:
- Lo dous consire
- Vida (text)
Berenguier de Palazol:
- Ab la fresca clardat
Pons d'Ortafa:
- Si ai perdut mon saber
- Lo mals d'amor ai eu ben totz apres
- Trop ai estat mon Bon Esper no vi (melody)
Aimeric de Pegulhan:
- Cel que s'irais ni guerreia ab amor
- De Berguedan d'estes doas razos (melody w/o text)
Raimon de Miraval:
- Ben ara-l cortes esciens (melody w/o text)
- Ar'ab la forsa del freis
- Contr'amor vau durs et embrans (melody w/o text)
- Bel m'es qu'eu chant e conhdei
Gui d'Ussel:
- Ben feira chansos plus soven (text)
- En tanta guiza-m mena amors (melody w/o text)
- Ges de chantar no-m (melody w/o text)
- N'Elias conselhs vos deman (melody w/o text)
Monge de Montaudon:
- Pois Peire d'Alvernha'a chantatp
- Ara pot ma dona saber (melody w/o text)
- Manhta gens mi malrazona
- Atressi co-l signes fai
Les Maîtres du trobar - 3eme période
Uc de sant Circ
- Nul om no sap d'amic tro l'a perduit
- Tres enemics e dos mals senhors (melody w/o text)
- Anc enemics qu'eu agues
Guilhem Figueira:
- D'un sirventes far en est son que m'agensa
Guilhem de Montanhagol:
- Leu chansoneta m'er far (melody w/o text)
- A lunel lutz una luna luzens (text)
- Non an tan dig li primier trobador (melody w/o text)
Peire Cardenal:
- Un sirventes novel volh comensar
- Ar me posc eu lauzar d'amor
- Una ciutatz fo no sai cals
- Pois trobat ai qui conois et enten
- Ai las e que-m fan mei olhs
- Planher volh En Blacatatz
Troubadours européens
Guilhem de Berguedan:
- Cansoneta leu e plana
Cerverí de Girona
- Viadeira: No-l prenatz maritzt (melody w/o text)
- A greu pot om conoisset en la mar
- A cel que ditz entre saig et joglar (melody w/o text)
- Com es tan mal ensenhada (melody w/o text)
Guiraut Riquier:
- Pois astres no m'es donatz
- S'eu ja trobat non agues
- Volontiers faria (melody w/o text)
- Be-m degra de chantar tener (melody w/o text)
Playing time: not stated, see comments
Performers: Gérard Zuchetto (voice, author of the
project), Gisela Bellsolà (voice), Gérard Le Vot, J.
dau Melhau, G. Robert, D. Regef, P. Brient, J. Khoudir, P.
Villaumé, Patrick Hannais (actor) et Marie-Christine Brambilla
Place and date of recording: Released in 1998
Comments: Information from owned CD-ROM. The list above
is from a specific page of the CD-ROM (Index des chansons
enregistrées dans le CD-ROM - (transl:) Index of songs
recorded in the CD-ROM). Note that melody w/o text are often very
short (few seconds) and a certain number are not original (lost).
It really depends on whether you prefer a general interest book or
an educational CD-ROM. If your preference is CD-ROM, then you will
be delighted unless your expectation is more than basic/intermediate.
It is a very well done product covering many aspects of this era
and will give you a broad overview of that particular segment of
the medieval period. The price is reasonable 290 FF TTC, 49,95 $
CDN and probably around 30$ US. I quote here the english text as
it appears in the enclosed promotional booklet (although I cannot
state that the english version was ever distributed):
Land of Troubadour
Here is the fantastic story and adventure of troubadours, the
inventors of poetry and courteous love in the 12th and 13th
All along this CD-ROM, you are going to juggle with:
- 5 modules: "Troubadours", "Poetry of
trobar", " Music, songs and instruments", "History
of Medieval Europe" and "History of Art"
- a hundred themes concerning history, the different styles
in poetry, art (sculpture, painting..), music;
- 500 photographs of lanscapes and architecture;
- 100 illuminations: portraits of troubadours, musicians,
- 15 minutes video, animations, images of synthesis;
- 2 hours of music and original songs, one hour of spoken
commentaries ...
There is also a terrific book with a CD:
Terre des Troubadours
Gisela Bellsolà, Gérard Le Vot, Gérard Zuchetto,
et al.
Les Éditions de Paris - Max Chaleil ISBN 2 905291-56-7
with Les Éditions de Paris - Max Chaleil CD-EDP-001 [CD]
To purchasing information for this disc.
To FAQ references to this recording.
To FAQ CD index page.
Pierre-F. Roberge