Saint-Jacques de Compostelle

Saint-Jacques de Compostelle
Le Chemin de Compostelle
Suisa CD 840 [CD]
Suisa K 840 [Cassette]


    Anon. Codex Calixtinus
  1. Anthem: Salve festa dies
    Psaulm 113: In exitu Israel

  2. Anon. Codex Calixtinus
  3. Kyrie: Rex immense
  4. Dum pater familias
  5. Brief responsorium: Jacobe pastor inclite ...

  6. Anon., Puy-en-Velay Ms
  7. Exultantes in partu Virginis

  8. Anon., Codex Calixtinus
  9. Alleluia: Vocavit Jhesus Jacobum

  10. Anon., Codex Las Huelgas
  11. Parens patris natique filia

  12. Anon., Codex Calixtinus
  13. Ad honorem

  14. Anon.
  15. Psaulm 113: In exitu Israel (cont.)

  16. Anon., Codex Calixtinus
  17. Brief responsorium: Jacobe servorum spes et medicina ...
  18. In hac die
  19. Gratulentes celebremus festum
  20. Jocundetur et letetur
  21. Vox nostra resonet

  22. Anon., Codex Las Huelgas
  23. Sanctus

  24. Anon., Codex Calixtinus
  25. Anthem: Imposuit
  26. Agnus Dei. Qui pius ac mitis
  27. Exultet celi curia
  28. Anthem: Salve festa dies
    Psaulm 113: In exitu Israel (cont.)

Playing time: 59' 25"

Ensemble Aurore - Jean-Marie Lablaude, dir.

Recording site and date:
Abbaye d'Hauterive, Fribourg [03/1999]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

Information from owned CD.
This is a very special production. Association Aurore is a caritative group offering help to children and young adults. The characteristic is that some of their facilities are established at specic point along the road to Compostelle. Their lifestyle appears to be similar to community such as l'Arche founded by Lanza del Vasto. Although no member of the choir is mentioned, these seem to belong to the community. Although not "professional" the result is impressive.

This CD is patronized by the Dalaï-Lama and Cardinal Henri Schwery, Bishop of Sion.

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Pierre-F. Roberge