Codex Bamberg

Codex Bamberg
Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni
Stradivarius 33476 [CD]
Medioevalia MED 007 [CD]


  1. Je ne chant pas / Talens m'est pris de chanter / Aptatur / Omnes (4 voices)
  2. Ave, Virgo regia / Ave, plena gracie / Fiat (2 voices, fiddle, harp)
  3. In seculum breve (2 fiddles, dulcimer, harp)
  4. Entre Adan et Henequel / Chief bien seans / Aptatur (3 voices)
  5. Ave, plena gracie / Salve, Virgo regia / Aptatur (2 voices, recorder, fiddle, harp, lute)
  6. Neuma (recorder, horn, fiddle, harp)
  7. Ave, in styrpe spinosa / Ave, gloriosa / Manere (3 voices)
  8. El mois de mai / De se debent / Kyrie (3 voices)
  9. In seculum viellatoris (3 fiddles)
  10. Mout me fu griès / In omni frate tuo / In seculum (3 voices)
  11. Entre Copin / Je me cuidoie / Bele Ysabelot (3 voices)
  12. Virgo (2 fiddles, dulcimer, harp)
  13. Pouvre secours / Gaude chorus / Angelus (3 voices)
  14. Chorus Innocencium / In Bethleem / In Bethleem (2 voices, fiddle, percussion)
  15. In seculum d'Amiens breve (recorder, 2 fiddles, lute)
  16. O Maria, Virgo davitica / O Maria, maris stella / Misit Dominus (2 voices, recorder, 2 fiddles)
  17. O Miranda / Salve, mater / Kyrie (7 voices)
  18. In seculum longum (recorder, 2 fiddles)
  19. Agmina milicie / Agmina milicie / Agmina (3 voices)
  20. Quant flourist / Non orphanum / Et gaudebit (4 voices)
  21. In seculum d'Amiens longum (recorder, fiddle, harp)
  22. Mout me tu griès II / Robins m'aime / Portare (3 voices)
  23. Or voi je bien / Eximium / Virgo (2 voices, fiddle, harp)
  24. Ave, Virgo regia / Ave, gloriosa / Domino (3 voices)
  25. Mors que stimulo / Mors morsu / Mors (6 voices)

Performers: Camerata Nova: Matelda Viola (soprano), Paola Ronchetti (soprano), Ida Viola (alto), Sara Borioni (alto), Fabrizio Scipioni (tenor), Guido Vetere (bass), Stefano Terribili (bass); Chominciamento di Gioia: Luigi Polsini (fiddle), Gianfranco Russo (fiddle), Marco Salerno (lute, animal horn, fiddle), Olga Ercoli (harp), Giovanni Tardino (dulcimer, recorder), Elisabetta Di Filippo (percussion)

Playing time: 54'

Recording date: January & February 1997 (Roma)

The Bamberg Codex (c.1300) is one of the most important sources for Ars Antiqua motets. It consists of over 100 three-part motets, together with a single four-part motet (track #1) and a single conductus (also in three parts). Many of these motets represent slightly different versions of works contained in other major motet sources from the period, including some in instrumental adaptation. In addition, the Codex includes the treatise Practica artis musice (1271) by someone named Amerus.

The next recording by the present forces:

Landini: Ballate
Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni
Tactus 321201

The other recording by Camerata Nova:

Palestrina: Ave Maris Stella - Motets for the Blessed Virgin
Camerata Nova - Luigi Taglioni
Stradivarius 33375

Other recordings by Chominciamento di Gioia:

Medieval Italian Dances
Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia
Tactus 300001
Futuro Antico
Angelo Branduardi / Chominciamento di Gioia - Renato Serio
EMI (Italy) 66481
Peccatori e santi
L'amor sacro e il sentimento popolare nei laudari italiani e spagnoli del XIII secolo
Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Gianfranco Russo
Avvenimenti 301697
Rosa das Rosas
The Symbol of the Rose in the Middle Ages
Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Gianfranco Russo
Edizioni Musicali III Millennio CDA 0144
In vinea mea
Il Vino, la Vite e la Vigna nel Medioevo
Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia
Edizioni Musicali III Millennio CDA 0185
Farai un vers desconvenent
Il medioevo impudico
Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia
Musicaimmagine ??

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Todd M. McComb