Playing time: 51' 42"
Performers: Pro Musica Antiqua [Renée Defraiteur (soprano), Christiane Plessis (contralto), René Letroye (tenor), Franz Mertens (tenor), Max Bourdon (bass), Hertha Theunen-Seidl (lute), Silva Devos (recorders), Janine Rubinlicht (descant viol), Gaston Dôme (tenor viol), André Douvere (tenor viol)] - Safford Cape, dir.
Recording site and date:
Unknown [1954 or prior]
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Information from owned LP & CD and Georges Lobo. The CD
re-issue is a pure delight. Another proof that Cape was the first
in the 50's to interpret the music of that period with an approach
very close to what we hear today. It is sad that nearly all of
his production is no more available since the late 60's. This CD
deserves a wider distribution with more explanatory notes and
credits to performers especially the soprano and contralto (that
appeared on the LP).
To FAQ references to this recording.
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Pierre-F. Roberge