- Pilgerwege
- Freiburger Spielleyt
Verlag der Spielleute CD 0003
Anon., Germany 14th c., München cgm 609
- Wer daz elend bawen wil
Anon., Spain, ca 1500, Cancionero de Palacio
- So ell enzina
Anon., Spain, ca 1500, Cancionero de Palacio
- Romerico
Anon., Italy, 14th c., MS London 29987
- Parlamento
Anon., Spain, 12th c., Codex Calixtinus
- Vox nostra resonet
Alfonso el Sabio (attr.), Cantigas de Santa Maria
- Cantiga 221: Ben per esta
Anon., Italy, 14th c., MS London 29987
- Saltarello
Anon., Spain, 14th c., Llibre Vermell
- Mariam matrem virginem
- Cuncti simus concanentes
Anon., France, 16th c., Les chansons des
- Quand nmous partîmes de France
Alfonso el Sabio (attr.), Cantigas de Santa Maria
- Cantiga 7: Santa Maria amar
Martin Codax, Spain, 13th c., Cantigas de amigo
- Mandad el comigo
Playing time: 53' 47"
Freiburger Spilleyt [Albrecht Haaf (shawm, flute, portativ
Schlüselfidel), Regina Kabis (soprano), Jutta Haaf (harp),
Murat Coskun (percussion), Marc Lewon (voice, vielle, saz, gamba,
oud), Bernd Maier (hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe, schawm, hackbrett)].
Recording site and date:
Unknown [09/1999];
Rel.: 2000
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Informations from owned CD and Mark Lewon.
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Pierre-F. Roberge