Playing time: 57' 16"
Nimmersêlich [Katharina Hölzel (tenor recorder, alto
recorder, soprano recorder, sopranino recorder, one-handed flute)
Kathrin Kläber (voice, bells, zimbeln), Viola Hänsel
(voice, portative), Sebastian Gomon (rahmentrommel, tamburello,
davul, rührtrommel, darbuka), Robert Schuchardt (hurdy-gurdy,
quinterne), Martin Uhlig (lute, 'ud, bagpipe)]
Recording site and date:
Rundkapelle Knautaundorf (near Leipzig) [03-04/2004]
Rel.: 2004
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Goldberg (#-p.):
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Pierre-F. Roberge