Tales of Miracles

Tales of Miracles - Cantigas de Santa Maria für Stimme, historiches und elektronisches Instrumentarium
Freiburger Spielleyt
Glasnost Records CD 9307
Musica Celestia MC 002 [CD]
Verlag der Spielleute CD 9307


    Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria
  1. Prologo: Por que trobar
  2. Cantiga 8: A Virgen Santa Maria
  3. Cantiga 12: O que a Santa Maria mais despraz (instr.)
  4. Cantiga 286: Tanto quer Santa Maria os que ama deffender
  5. Cantiga 421: Nenbre-sse-te, Madre
  6. Cantiga 254: O nome da Virgen [santa|a]tan,uit'á temeroso
  7. Cantiga 221: Ben per esta aos reis d'amaren Santa Maria
  8. Cantiga 2: Muito devemos, varoes
  9. Cantiga 178: A que faz o ome morto resurgir sen nulla falla
  10. Cantiga 171: Santa Maria grandez faz, miragres
  11. Cantiga 353: Quen a omagen da Virgen e de seu Fillo onrrar

Playing time: 58' 58"

Performers: Freiburger Spilleyt [Regina Krabis (soprano), Jutta Haaf (harp), Bernd Maier (drehleier, dudelsack, scheitholtz), Helmuth Lindlar (arabic lute, saz, fidel, esraj), Matthias Rueff (singer, marimba, glockenspiel, percussion, synthetizer), Albrecht Haaf (shawm, flute, portativ, synthetizer, sequencer)].

Recording site and date:
Achim Schnitzer Calren-Studios, March [11/1993]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

Comments: Information from owned CD & Jorge Salazar.

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Pierre-F. Roberge