From the Beginning of the Polyphony to the End of the Renaissance

1000 Jahre Musikgeschichte in klingenden Beispielen, 1. Folge
Von den Anfängen der Mehrstimmigkeit bis zum Ende der Renaissance (1000-1580) - From the Beginning of the Polyphony to the End of the Renaissance
Alfred Knop
Eterna (VEB Deutsche Schallplatten) 8 20 347


    Anon.Liturgical play, 13th c.
  1. Orientis partibus
    Aurum de Arabia

  2. Raimbaut de Vaqueiras
  3. Kalenda maya

  4. Jaufre Rudel
  5. Lanquan li jorn

  6. Adam de la Halle: Jeu de Robin et Marion
  7. Robin m'aime

  8. Neidhart von Reuenthal
  9. Meienzît

  10. Anon., 13th c., Oxford, Bodley Douce 139
  11. Dance

  12. Anon., ca 1310
  13. Canon: Summer is icumen in

  14. Anon., Easter mass
  15. Epistle

  16. Anon.
  17. Hymn: Te lucis ante terminum
    Anon., 11th c.
  18. Sequence: Victimae paschali laudes

  19. Anon.
  20. Conductus: Quis tibi

  21. Anon., Musica enchiriadis, 2nd half of 9th c.
  22. Parallel organum: Sit gloria domine

  23. Anon., 11th c., St. Martial de Limoges
  24. Organum: Sancti spiritus assit

  25. Léonin
  26. Organum duplum: Judaea et Jerusalem

  27. Pérotin
  28. Organum quadruplum: Sederunt principes

  29. Philippe de Vitry
  30. Motet: Douce playsence - Garison

  31. Guillaume de Machaut
  32. Ballade: Je puis trop bien

  33. Francesco Landino (aka Landini)
  34. Ballata: Gran piant'agli

  35. Jacques Vide:
  36. Rondeau: Vit encore ce faux Dangier

  37. Gilles Binchois
  38. Rondeau: Margarite, fleur de valeur

  39. John Dunstable
  40. Motet: Quam pulchra es et quam decora,

  41. Nicolas Merques
  42. Fauxbourdon: Pange Lingua

  43. Guillaume Dufay: Missa "Se la face ay pale"
  44. Agnus Dei

  45. Jan Ockeghem: Missa "L'homme armé"
  46. Kyrie

  47. Josquin des Prés
  48. De profundis

  49. Jacob Obrecht
  50. Motet: Salve regina misericordiae

  51. Orlando di Lasso
  52. Quia persecutus est inimicus

  53. Giovani Perluigi da Palestrina: Missa "Assumpta est Maria"
  54. Kyrie

  55. Clément Jannequin: Le Chant des oiseaux
  56. Tous, tous, tous, veuillé estre soigneus

  57. Bartolomeo Trombocino
  58. Frottola: Hor chio

  59. Cyprian de Rore
  60. Madrigal: Encor che col partire

  61. Ludwig Senfl
  62. Tenorlied: Es taget vor dem Walde

  63. Heinrich Finck
  64. Instrumental piece: Greiner Zanner

  65. Pierre Phalèse
  66. Pavane ferrarese
    Galliarde ferrarese

  67. Orlando di Lasso
  68. Matona mia cara

Playing time: ??' 00"

Alfred Knop (narrator), no performer stated (see comments)

Recording site and date:
Unknown [prob. 1966 or prior]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):

Information from owned LP. This LP issued in "German Democratic Republic" is part of an 8 LPs serie under the direction of Prof. Dr. Georg Knepler and covering the entire history of Music. It is a bizarre product that may be well originates from West German producers, some titles seem so well linked to other german LPs (i.e. Archiv) or to Pro Musica Antiqua, Brussels directed by Safford Cape....
The LP comes with 52pp. large format booklet.

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Pierre-F. Roberge