Playing time: ??' ??"
Ensemble Polyphonique de Paris, R.T.F. [Jocelyne Chamonin (soprano
(Marie-Magdeleine)), Gladys Felix (mezzo-soprano (Marie-Salomé)),
Mauricette Millot (soprano (Marie-Jacobi), Georges Abdoun (bass
(Jesus)), Louis Collet (baritone (The Merchant), André
Meurant (tenor (Ange annonciateur)), Joseph Sage (counter-tenor
(Ange consolateur)), Jean Cussac (baritone, Peter, the Apostle),
Aimé Agnel (tenor (John, the Apostle), small harp) Marielle
Nordmann (small harp), Annie Challand (small harp), Huguette Ehrmann
(recorder), Michel Sanvoisin (recorder), Roger Bourdin (bass flute),
Claude Maisonneuve (english horn), Max Foucher (trombone), Dominique
Mignolet (percussions, bells)] - Charles Ravier, dir.
Recording site and date:
Fay-lesÉtangs, France [june 1963]
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):88/23 (july/august 1964)
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Information from owned LP.
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Pierre-F. Roberge