La Rue: Missa Incessament

La Rue: Incessament
Raum Klang "Edition Apollon" 10105

This was La Rue's most popular chanson during the 16th century, copied more than any other. Based on it, he wrote his longest mass, and one of his most technically complex. Therefore, this program is of singular value, even if it does include less polyphony than some.

The interpretation came as something of a surprise, originating as it does from an ensemble without much of a history in this music, but does provide a credible rendition of some fine music. It is not as decisive & emphatic as it could be at times, but is nonetheless pretty good. The virtuoso emphasis does resonate.

This remains a fairly singular performance, particularly given the singular position of the mass, even if the program itself might be considered to be more "half" a program.

To renaissance sacred list.

Todd M. McComb
Updated: 19 September 2016