Anthony Braxton: 12 Comp (ZIM) 2017

12 Comp (ZIM) 2017
Anthony Braxton / ZIM Ensemble
Firehouse 12 Records 01-04-033 [download / blu-ray]


  1. Composition No. 402 (Braxton)
  2. Composition No. 408 (Braxton)
  3. Composition No. 409 (Braxton)
  4. Composition No. 410 (Braxton)
  5. Composition No. 412 (Braxton)
  6. Composition No. 413 (Braxton)
  7. Composition No. 414 (Braxton)
  8. Composition No. 415 (Braxton)
  9. Composition No. 416 (Braxton)
  10. Composition No. 418 (Braxton)
  11. Composition No. 419 (Braxton)
  12. Composition No. 420 (Braxton)

Performers: Anthony Braxton (reeds), Taylor Ho Bynum (brass), Dan Peck (tuba), Jacqui Kerrod (harp); Shelley Burgon (harp, #1-5), Brandee Younger (harp, #6-9), Miriam Overlach (harp, #10-12); Adam Matlock (accordion & aerophones, #2-12), Tomeka Reid (cello, #1-4,6-9), Ingrid Laubrock (saxophones, #6-9), Stephanie Richards (trumpet, #6-9), Jean Cook (violin, #10-12)

Playing time: 638'

Recording dates: March 2017 (Wake Forest, #1), April 2017 (Firehouse 12 studio, #2-4), June 2017 (Montreal, #5), August 2017 (Firehouse 12 studio, #6-9), May 2018 (Cafe Oto, London, #10-12); released: 2021

The first quartet of musicians appears throughout, with a second harp player on each track, and then the other musicians as noted. Tracks were recorded in listed (composition) order.

Originally reviewed here: 2 July 2021.

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Todd McComb