Isabelle Duthoit: Light air still gets dark

Light air still gets dark
Duthoit / Frangenheim / Turner
Creative Sources 398


  1. Morsel and hat (Duthoit/Frangenheim/Turner)
  2. Obstructive tomorrow (Duthoit/Frangenheim/Turner)
  3. Air scar (Duthoit/Frangenheim/Turner)
  4. Far dental (Duthoit/Frangenheim/Turner)
  5. Black molar (Duthoit/Frangenheim/Turner)
  6. Clenched verse (Duthoit/Frangenheim/Turner)

Performers: Isabelle Duthoit (clarinet, voice), Alexander Frangenheim (double bass), Roger Turner (percussion)

Playing time: 48'

Recording date: December 2015 (Berlin); released: 2016

Originally reviewed here: 30 January 2017.

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Todd McComb